Teacher Training Institute
Pretty dolls teacher training institute is recognised by Govt of India,
- Teachers training course was initiated predominantly to embolden women and towards their education.
- Operational lesson practices for the Teacher – Each and every module of the course is based the child’s enhancement in a preschool atmosphere or at home
- Qualified Professionals will be welcomed to provide guest lecturers on various spheres to address to the participants as well as interact with the trainees in order to supplement knowledge that they gain from the on-going theory with their splendid wisdom
- The teachers will be well educated on Child Psychology & Child Behaviour management – which will inspire parents and teachers to understand the concept of child development at every possible stage
- Theory lectures with hands on learning experience – It is for a better and a streamlined understanding of Early Childhood theories with its implementation and application in a preschool classroom
- Job Placement –Assured Job placements as per the availability and achievements.